Investment strategy of RF subjects

The most important component of the “Standard of activities of public authorities of a subject of RF for improving the investment climate in the region” is the Investment strategy of the region which ensures consolidation and coordination of activities of all government branches for attraction of large-scale investment to the real sector of economy. Responsibility for introduction of the Standard’s provisions during 2013 in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin of 27.12.2012 № Пр-144ГС is laid on chiefs of supreme government authorities of the Russian Federation.

The Investment strategy of the Region specifies:

  • investment priorities of the region (territories, industries, advanced development technologies, developed kinds of products, works and services, projects to be implemented);
  • problems in the investment sphere and measures to solve them;
  • basic aims of administration of investment processes in the territory of the Region;
  • tasks to be solved for achieving the goals of the Strategy;
  • justification of methodical approaches to regulation of investment processes;
  • measures interconnected by purposes, tasks, implementation terms and resources as well as target programs, separate projects providing for growth of investment in the Region;
  • rates characterizing the effectiveness of the Strategy;
  • general principles of cooperation of public authorities and local administration bodies in the field of improvement of investment climate in the region.

The aim of development of the Investment strategy:

evaluation of strategically important quantity and quality characteristics of the economy of the region, available resources of its development and formation of a list of measures that create favourable conditions for attracting investment to solve key tasks of social and economic development of the Region.

To achieve the tasks set we are ready to develop an Investment strategy by the following stages:

  1. Diagnostics of the current state;
  2. Determination of directions for improvement of the investment climate;
  3. Preparation of recommendations for improvement the investment climate.

Investment strategy structure:

  1. Strategic characteristics and resources of development
  2. Analysis of the investment climate in the Region
  3. State support of investment activities
  4. SWOT-analysis of investment attractiveness
  5. Strategic aims, tasks and key rates of investment development
  6. Directions of development of the region. Factors of increasing the investment attractiveness.
  7. Measures on improving the investment attractiveness
  8. List of priority investment projects
  9. Assessment of the resource provision of the Strategy
  10. Social and economic results of implementation of the Strategy
  11. Mechanism of implementation of the Strategy. Schedule for implementation supervision and the schedule for revision of the Strategy.
  12. Risks of the Strategy and risks of attraction of investments
  13. The Strategy road-map

The anticipated effect from the executed work should be acceleration of social and economic development of the region and increasing its investment attractiveness, creation of the necessary competitive advantages and the foundation for the development of the region.

According to preliminary estimates, the terms for work execution make up 3-8 months. The cost of work depending on its volume is 5-17 million rub. (depending on the number of priority industries, clusters, regions for comparison and information details).