

Russian Far East is more often called not only a promising area of economic growth and interaction with countries of the Asian-Pacific Region, but also a tourist area.


The total volume of fees on the Russian insurance market will not exceed 7%, this being the maximum figure, according to Intesco Research Group analysts.


Ceramic brick is traditionally used for constructions of any degree of complexity, industrial structures, household ovens and chimneys.


С тех пор как картофель считался в России деликатесом и был доступен лишь аристократии и вельможам, прошли сотни лет, и теперь его употребляют в пищу практически в каждой семье.


During the first three quarters of 2013 more than 42 million Russians went on trips abroad. Comparing to the similar period of 2012, their number increased by 14%, while in the recent decade — by 1.7 times.