

Concrete is a well-known construction material for various structures, starting from residential buildings and ending with industrial and trade facilities. Nowadays there are several kinds of concrete mixtures depending on the type of adhesive: silicate, plaster, cement, slag-cement, polymer-cement and special ones. Besides, there are combined kinds of mixtures of two or three adhesives on the market.


It is stated in the research by Intesco Research Group Market of Energy Saving in Power Industry. Current Situation and Forecast” that losses of energy resources are greatest during transportation and consumption. Such losses amount to about 1.4% of gas and more than 10% of electric power. In Russia gas losses are paid less attention to than in power industry; however, this resource is non-renewable and therefore demands the same close attention.


The tonnage of the world commercial fleet in 2013 reached the figure of 1 629 million tons. The growth of the world fleet is influenced by globalization and expansion of the world commerce; however, experts believe that increasing of the world fleet is in advance of the demand for its services. The world economy grows with low rates, while the total import volumes have even decreased in the recent two years.


The concept of continuous education, which is in operation in Europe, has not become wide-spread in Russia yet, although advantages of further education include not only increasing competitiveness on the labour market, but also active social integration, expansion of business and personal contacts. In accordance with this concept, education continues throughout the whole life, on the basis of the academic system and the system of further professional education, as well as of informal models of training and self-training.


Russian citizens have to give away a significant part of their income for utility charges. The share of electric power in the structure of payments was about 16% in 2013. On the whole, 80% of utility tariffs go for hot water, heat, gas and electricity supplies.