Victor Zhurba, The CEO of KPI Holding, became the expert in "Levchenko.Rakurs" TV-show on RBC TV channel
Within the TV-show participants have discussed the situation associated with the fact that many citizens of Russia do not register the real estate ownership and respectively do not pay the property tax for the corresponding real estate objects in this case, have estimated the possible directions on measures development for the current situation solution.
According to the Federal Registration Service as of 1/1/2016 the share of real estate objects having no information in the State Immovable Property Cadastre amounted to 29,7 % (8,5 mln land plots, 37,7 mln capital construction objects).
During the TV-show Victor Zhurba, the CEO of KPI Holding, has marked that the current situation with failure to pay the property tax in the business environment generates unfair competition conditions for businessmen because the businessman legally paying tax on expenses would lose to competitors from the shadow environment. Thereby the situation doesn't motivate businessmen to register objects and to come out of the shadow.
Victor Zhurba has also agreed over the position about the need of the policy prolongation eliminating these system problems remaining after the transition of our country to the market economy and stimulation of business and citizens to register the property rights for the real estate.
Full record of the TV-show is available of the link on the RBS TV channel web-site
Victor Zhurba, The CEO of KPI Holding, is the vice-chairman of Committee on business in the sphere of real estate economy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Member of the working group on road map monitoring "Improvement of the state services quality in the sphere of the state cadastral real estate registration and the state registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it" of the Strategic initiatives Agency, the member of General Council and the Head of committee on the inventory and taxation of the real estate of "Delovaya Rossiya".