The KPI holding participated in the working group meeting on cadastral cost determination methodology and procedures of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation


On September 22, 2014, Nadezhda Babicheva the deputy director of corporate management department of the Ministry of Economic Development initiated the working group meeting on cadastral cost determination methodology and procedures of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Victor Zhurba the deputy CEO of the KPI Holding participated in the meeting.

During the meeting of the working group, participants heard all suggestions for legislative and methodological base improvement in cadastral assessment sphere. Conceptual offers concerned the need of the existing federal standard No. 4 of cadastral assessment processing in order to ensure cadastral cost determination methodical approaches unity and terminology unity, and the need of International tax appraisers association on standards provisions accounting while cadastral assessment procedures improvement in the Russian Federation.

The KPI Holding suggestions of cadastral assessment procedures improvement you can find here.


Suggestions for the state cadastral assessment process improvement

  1. To establish requirements to the Contractor on cadastral cost determination
  2. To strengthen responsibility of the Contractor and the expert on cadastral cost determination for discrepancy of the report to the requirements of the legislation. To limit the area of the Contractor responsibility on cadastral cost determination (to exempt from liability for use of low-quality data received from the state information systems, other sources provided by the current legislation).
  3. To develop new and to update the existing methods of cadastral cost determination, to create a uniform cadastral cost determination methodology
  4. To develop requirements of cadastral cost determination works to the customer (qualification of public/municipal servants, used program hardware)
  5. To establish requirements to the used cadastral cost determination software
  6. To raise the cadastral assessment data fund role in procedures of cost definition and contest, to develop the fund functionality for information disclosure contained in it.
  7. To improve procedures of cadastral cost determination report examination, to provide the possibility of step-by-step examination
  8. To consider the existence of the land plots use types classification, to provide development of capital construction projects use types classification  
  9. To develop the system of cadastral assessment results quality monitoring on the basis of the real estate market monitoring
  10. To consider provisions of the International association of tax appraisers Standards regarding the organization, and also procedures and quality control of cadastral assessment results.