Meeting on development of the standard of agroindustrial park with representatives of agroindustrial parks projects initiators, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, representatives of regions, members of AIP
On April 15, 2016 the Association of Industrial Parks (AIP) has held the Meeting on development of the standard of agroindustrial park in hotel "Paveletsky Mercure" with representatives of the projects initiators of agroindustrial parks, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, representatives of the regions, members of AIP, with participation of representatives of KPI Holding - the deputy CEO of KPI Holding – Bryazgina Ekaterina and the deputy head of sales - Stroganov Roman.
In the course of the meeting a set of definition options were discussed what is agro-industrial park and how this definition could be standardly to fixed. Expansion to the existing National state standard specification P 56301 - 2014 standard "Industrial parks. Requirements" became the common decision of the matter. Ekaterina Bryazgina, the Deputy CEO of KPI Holding has presented their expert opinion by definition of the standard of the agro-industrial park.
Besides the definition, certain requirements to the platform of agroindustrial parks were discussed: the area should be larger than 8 Hectares, possibility of agricultural purpose lands inclusion in its borders, a profile of residents activity, restrictions on cultivation on open ground, etc. Including possible options of the state support measures of agro-industrial parks and its residents from the federal ministries were considered: The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Minpromtorg of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation with an opportunity to make a claim in each direction at the same time within the existing programs and new in the future. At the same time possible crossings with the existing support measures of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on agrarian and industrial complex, ORTs, etc. were discussed.
For these purposes the working group was created in the Association of industrial parks which will prepare the project. According to AIP, about 30 agricultural parks in different regions of Russia will be able to apply for the state support soon.