Industrial and investment forum of the South of Russia "YuGPROM 2014"
On November 28, Kirill Zaytsev the Commercial director of KPI Holding and Igor Chuvardinsky the Head of of investment projects department of KPI Holding took part in "Industrial and investment forum of the South of Russia "YuGPROM 2014" conducted in Stavropol.
Within the forum the training seminar on the subject, "Practical Recommendations about Industrial Parks Creation" took place. Igor Chuvardinsky had to make the report about "Experience of industrial parks projects applications examination for MAYOR of the Russian Federation competition according to the MSP Program: parameters of projects, mistakes and the best experiences", but having talked to the director of SK "Managing company of investment and innovation development of Stavropol Territory" SUE Alexander Gorbenko decided to devote the performance to problems and mistakes which exist now in industrial parks management on the territory of Stavropol Territory.