In Moscow International Investment Forum of Industrial parks Association "Industrial Projects in Russia — 2015" took place
The annual Forum "Industrial Projects in Russia" becomes gradually the main event in the sphere of industrial construction and productions localization. Actions and decisions of the Forum more than once set a vector of the branch development.
The questions concerning engineering infrastructure, needs of the Russian and foreign investors, industrial assets management and of agro-industrial parks development prospects became traditional subjects at the Forum 2015. One of the most important subjects of the Forum 2015 was the question on the investment potential of foreign companies localization in regions of Russia: prospects, opportunities and restrictions.
The CEO of KPI Holding Victor Zhurba reported on the subject "Large industrial territories and small industrial parks: what are the priorities of development?" at the third session within the first day of the forum. In the second day of the Forum, the Deputy CEO of KPI Holding Ekaterina Bryazgina made a speech at the investment seminar "Effective instruments of foreign companies production localization in Russia".
The Commercial director of KPI Holding Kirill Zaytsev took part in work of the forum. More than 750 participants from 50 regions of Russia, and also 18 countries of the world were invited to the forum.